(Please include your NetID in every e-mail sent to the TAs and Dr. Dahl.)
Advanced R programming skills, advanced data techniques, simulation studies.
Prerequisites: STAT 123.
The computing platform for STAT 223 is your own laptop computer, desktop computer, or a University-owned computer. If you do not have your own computer, please see Dr. Dahl who can discuss options with you.
You will collaborate with Dr. Dahl, the TA’s, and fellow students using Git. You will electronically submit your homework and exams to your STAT 223 Git repository hosted on dahl-git.byu.edu. Each student will have their own personal repository. The setup on your computer will happen in the first lecture. After the first lecture, please see the TAs or Dr. Dahl during office hours if you need help.
Homework will be distributed on the course webpage and is due as indicated in the assignment. Your work must be placed in the directory homework/* in your dahl-git.byu.edu repository, where * is a place holder for the homework number. Your homework is submitted by first committing to your local repository and then pushing your work to your dahl-git.byu.edu repository. Homework is not submitted if you do not successfully push to your dahl-git.byu.edu repository when due or if you put your work in the wrong location. Late homework is only accepted at the discretion of Dr. Dahl and, if accepted, is subject to a 50% penalty. Depending on the nature of the homework, it may be graded on correctness or effort. If homework is graded on effort, the following guide will be used:
Some class periods will include an in class exercise. You are welcome to take whatever notes you’d like to take in your notebook, then just write your final answers on your paper. You are responsible for bring your own blank paper for each exercise. You don’t need to show work for credit. The content of the exercise will not be graded — placing your name on a sheet of paper will get you credit for the quiz – but will be discussed in class. It is not uncommon for at least some in class exercises to form the foundation of exam questions. Your lowest exercise score will be dropped to compensate for misses due to illness and other unforeseen circumstances.
There will be a take-home midterm exam on a date to be announced later. The final exam will also be take-home and will start on Friday, April 20 at 8am and will end on Saturday, April 21 at 9pm. Exams are designed to assess a student’s mastery of concepts, skills, and connections between lecture and homework.
Item | Weight |
In-Class Exercises | 5% |
Homework | 20% |
Midterm Exam | 35% |
Final Exam | 40% |
Class attendance, participation, citizenship, and improvement over the course may be used in determining final grades in extreme situations. All course material is kept on file for one semester. Any review or appeal must be made within that time frame.
In keeping with the principles of the BYU Honor Code, students are expected to be honest in all of their academic work. Academic honesty means, most fundamentally, that any work you present as your own must in fact be your own work and not that of another. Violations of this principle may result in a failing grade in the course and additional disciplinary action by the university. Students are also expected to adhere to the Dress and Grooming Standards. Adherence demonstrates respect for yourself and others and ensures an effective learning and working environment. It is the university’s expectation, and every instructor’s expectation in class, that each student will abide by all Honor Code standards. Please call the Honor Code Office at 1-801-422-2847 if you have questions about those standards.
As required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the university prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in its education programs or activities. Title IX also prohibits sexual harassment — including sexual violence — committed by or against students, university employees, and visitors to campus. As outlined in university policy, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking are considered forms of “Sexual Misconduct” prohibited by the university.
University policy requires any university employee in a teaching, managerial, or supervisory role to report incidents of sexual misconduct that come to their attention through various forms including face-to-face conversation, a written class assignment or paper, class discussion, email, text, or social media post. If you encounter sexual misconduct, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at t9coordinator@byu.edu or 1-801-422-2130 or Ethics Point at https://titleix.byu.edu/report or 1-888-238-1062 (24-hours). Additional information about Title IX and resources available to you can be found at http://titleix.byu.edu.
Brigham Young University is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the University Accessibility Center (UAC), 2170 WSC or 1-801-422-2767. Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified, documented disabilities. The UAC can also assess students for learning, attention, and emotional concerns. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by the UAC. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures by contacting the Equal Employment Office at 1-801-422-5895, D-285 ASB.